
"Pierre Clauzon, Ludwik Kowalski and Richard Slaughter made a CFR experiment in Boulder ( Colorado ) during the week of March 8th to 16th , 2006."

Hey, this sounds very good!

I haven't read the earlier repro by Fauvarque et al which they reference yet; that's likely to be interesting as well.

Not enough data on the page to draw totally solid "final" conclusions but the general tenor of the descriptions is very encouraging. They didn't get the result instantly (which would have been suspicious) and they seem to have tried pretty hard to eliminate spurious effects and verify that their power readings are in the right ballpark.

Some of the other oddities about their results -- like, 2.4 mm rods work and 3 mm rods don't -- are also encouraging: that sort of observation could easily make sense in the context of a "real" result (as they point out, the E field may be more intense with the thinner rods) but it's not as obvious how it could be related to an artifact.

Not by Naudin.  He's just hosting the info.

Naudin's entertaining but his results always seem a little too facile for my tastes -- that, plus the fact that in at least one instance he apparently added in the cooling-time energy twice, which (surprise!) pushed the apparent results 'way over unity.

But unlike Naudin, these folks are definitely _not_ saying "We throw the switch and bam, over-unity, first time every time, what's the problem?"

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