At 08:42 AM 4/17/2006 -0400, you wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: Philip Winestone
Subject: Re: ReRe: Alliance for NanoHealth, Dr. Mauro Ferrari

Thanks Richard.

"Uncle Sugar" - LOL!!!!

The world is full of "charismatic" people, and more often than not - call me a cynic if you must - their charisma inversely proportional to their usefulness.  From what you say, lobbyists such as this chap, feed the egos of the Sugar Daddies (probably related to Uncle Sugar) and get the loot.

It would be nice (dream on, I suppose) if some serious-minded people just this once looked at what's needed, these days, to overcome the deterioration that's taking place in the world energy situation, because we're stuck on oil.  It really doesn't take a lobbyist - charismatic or otherwise - to see clearly what's happening and take appropriate action.  It simply takes will.

Will can be applied when there is a tangible body of technology or structure to apply the 'will' to. Peopel keep taking about the Manhattan Project. When that was intitiated by the famouns Einstein letter, a classic case of lobbying the President by a famous, god-like scientist, there was in place decades of relevant R&D and the critical discovery of the fission of U235, which was then many years old and accepted by the whole physics community. The possibility of a weapon was clearly seen by the Germans, Japanese, and US scientists, as well as a cadre of authors for "Astounding Science Fiction", the precursor of the now respectable "Analog". [Some of the authors were so accurate in precidtion of atomic weapons that the FBI  tried to block the stories, but Campbell, the editor, pointed out the nature of the magazine's audience, and that a sudden silence would be a clear signal that something was going on, so publiscation continued.]

The existing nuclear and oil infrastructure is something to which one can apply 'will' by many, including lobbyists. Nothing comparable exists in the CF community despite the 'will' of dedicated investigators over many years, and the publicity efforts of Rothwell, Storms, Mallove, Krivit, and Baudette. Had there not been a debacle in 1989, more funding might have been available and something to which 'will' can be applied in a lobbying sense might now exist.

Critics of the situation should do their homework by reading the excellent books by Krivit and Baudette about the tragic drama of CF.

Clearly progress is being made and there is a trickle of private and government support, but it is not yet ready to command a massive national project such as the Manhattan Project. Meanwhile, Mills' BlackLight Power has attracted over $50 million in private support, is gaining traction, and turning away investors.

Mike Carrell
"Critics of the situation should do their homework..."

That's the key sentence.  Aside from the alternatives such as BlackLight Power, which as you say, is attracting all kinds of investment money, REAL critics of what's known as "cold fusion" should do their homework, by reading about the dishonesty surrounding the debacle in 1989.  That's if they're REAL critics, and not just blind naysayers.
"Decades of relevant R&D"? Well there it's been almost two decades since "the debacle," during which many grim scientists exerted their own willpower, and despite a drought of both cash and support, managed to determine that there was something - albeit without (yet) well-established scientific credentials - that simply needs more effort to establish at least some such credentials; huge effort... And this takes money.

It's like driving with one's foot on the brake pedal and complaining that the car's engine doesn't have enough power. 


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