At 06:59 am 30/04/2006 -0600, Fred wrote:

> Richard wrote.
>> Howdy Fred and Grimer,
>> Any high school physics student can tell something 
>> is missing from the concept of thermodynamics.

> The Negative/"plate-push" Casimir Force and the 
> Negative Heat (ZPE) Vacuum, perhaps?

>> The trouble with saddling a strange horse in the 
>> dark is the risk of choosing a  3 legged one.  
>> Once in the saddle you are not only in for a 
>> rough ride, it's embarrassing when daylight comes

> Or you could lend your steed a hand.  :-)

>> However, when one is stuck for transportation 
>> trying to get where one's going, 
>> one must be creative in their posture.   

>I think they call it crawling when you do that.

Or even brown nosing.  ;-)

>>  Either laugh it off or deride those on polkadot horses.

> Or Gold Caddies.

>> Thus the plight of certain areas of mainstream science.

> As strange as the Joe Cell - Hydrino Orgone "presentations" are, 
> ignorance may very well be bliss, as Frank Grimer suggests. 

He has indeed deposuit potentes de sede et exaltavit humiles.

> Hydrino is a catchy name for a "Weakly Interacting Massive 
> Particle" WIMP, created by transitory exposure to the low 
> pressure "soft vacuum" ........

In terms of the Beta-atmosphere that should be "hard vacuum".
See explanation below.

>          ............that both of these have in common.
> That is to say, low pressure electrolysis cells that provide 
> the heat of vaporization of the water and also use the 
> evaporated water vapor H2O as a carrier for the generated 
> OH and H or H3O free radicals which may concurrently be 
> "expanding or contracting due to Casimir-Vacuum ZPE effects
> with the low "Cell" pressures (~ 60 liters/gram vapour 
> densities) created by the engine suction/manifold pressure.

Yep. I think our ideas are slowly converging and we are 
getting there. As shown by what I call the PV^6 relation

(but what might be more intelligible if I called it the
   B-atm.pressure + applied pressure)^6 = a constant
   where B-atm.pressure is approx. 4000 atmospheres)

there is a hard B-atm vacuum of -60,000 psi in the spaces
between the water molecule/clusters and this is responsible
for the unrecognised physics. Think of it at very low 
temperature which shrinks thingees or the inverse, very 
high Compreture which squashes thingees.   8-)



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