--- OrionWorks wrote:
> > Best part of this scenario - falsifiability. Argon
Auger cascades have a spectral signature which is so
recognizable that it cannot be denied, if
demonstrated. And there is a sound (to me) theoretical
basis for this whole complicated scenario, including
Puthoff's ZPE role, which is absent from most of the
Mills' (more controversial) assumptions.
> You make it sound so plausible! ;-)

It has only started coming together in recent days.
There is a lot of unprocessed information which is
pending and might change the situation...
> So, what's holding up the dog and pony show?

As always, time.... and eventually it will be limited
by funding availability, if and when it gets down to
building an engine. But one suspects that a simple
defining experiment would get the ball rolling.
> How difficult (technically and financially) would it
be to see if this intriguing phenomena performs as

Not difficult for the *properly equipped lab* to
verify a spectral signature, based on a very
high-compression ignition of hydrogen oxygen and
argon. The CalTech lab would be ideal, but.... they
have other commitments, no doubt.

Otherwise, for a  lesser lab - impossible - as we are
talking about containing a 5000+ psi explosion in the
context of x-ray spectroscopy. Mills may have already
done it (unpublished) but there is no evidence that he
has looked for soft-X-rays under any circumstances,
which is a bit surprising, given that they are easier
to document (technically) and much more meaningful
than EUV, energy-wise . 

Ironically this outcome (auger cascade) would probably
NOT happen under vacuum conditions, his [Mills']
normal regime. And since such a finding of soft x-rays
would both reinforce but also compromise parts of the
CQM theory, except ironically in proving the existence
of hydrinos, Mills would not want to publish a
mixed-verdict, one suspects.

Unfortunately labs like CalTech are manned by folks
who are a bit sensitive about performing "not invented
here" work, and especially "fringe" experiments - even
fringe experiments which are based on mainstream data
(reinterpreted). Especially if it is their own
mainstream data (as the "reinterpreted" part equates
with embarassing). I hope to begin looking for an
independent lab soon, and funding is already being
explored, pending all of the loose-ends being tied up.

Of course, this work could all have been done
previously - at JPL/CalTech, but not available to the

By next week, things may change of course, as this is
a house-of-cards which is all premised on a handful of
real (but older) experiments which may not tie
together as nicely as hoped - on closer examination.

If I had to pick out one key info-resource which in
need of re-examination (outside of what JPL may have
tucked away) it would be work by Alfven which is
available in old Journals and a hassle to dig out. 

Of course - it is always possible that if any of this
relates to the unacknowledged "Aurora" program - then
it is all lost in a black hole of intrigue...
hopefully not.


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