Quite obviously a high compression engine (spark or diesel ignition) 
operated closed-cycle using Argon in the manner that Caltech used it,
will work as well as theirs except that the low pressure high Metal-Water Interface
surface area and a higher Ion Product Constant Autoionization Self Electrolysis
of warmer water ( low current battery bias) will negate the need for electrolyzing the
re-circulated H2O.
----- Original Message -----
From: Frederick Sparber
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: 5/12/2006 4:28:58 PM
Subject: Re: Burning Water, 5,500 BTU/LB Freebie

No magic ingredients, just Autoionization and  the Helmholtz Double-Layer
Reduction-Oxidation Effect  of  High Purity Water on a sufficient large
anode-cathode metal surface area with a current return path.
2 H2O <---> OH -   +   H3O+
Cathode H3O +  + e-   ----->  H2O +  H   (gas)
Anode OH -  -  e-   ------>    OH  (gas)
ICE Combustion H + OH ----->   H2O + 226,000 joule/gram-mole
= 12,555 joule/gram = 12 BTU/gram = 5,500BTU/LB

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