At 08:33 am 07/08/2004 -0700, Jones wrote:


> "I wonder what would happen if one subjected water 
> to the Ranque-Hilsch Vortex tube treatment.
> Could one separate out the 4-8-12 phases I wonder."


> Jones

Had I not been such a stupid bastard I would have
realised much earlier than this, that the 12th power 
vapour was indeed little chunks of three dimensional 
ice, cos:

Huh? Didn't we just say water expands when it freezes?
Initially, yes. But frozen water can do something else
as well: it can sublimate. To sublimate is to go from
one state to another without passing through the usual
intermediary state. By adding heat, ice can be melted
into liquid water, which can be evaporated.

That's three states: solid, liquid, gas. But given
enough time, ice can also turn into a gas without
melting first! When your ice cubes seem to have
shrunk, it's because they are sublimating: the
frozen water is slowly evaporating off the cubes,
without ever actually melting.

That's right - Ice sublimates - It ejects little chunks
and it is these that form the 12th power vapour the 3D
Casimir particles.

So what about the 8th power? 
What about the liquid water "vapour" ?

Well if ice vapour is chunks and steam vapour is drops 
then water vapour simply has to be flakes, don't it.  8-)

And there is a nice word for shedding flakes of stuff.


Liquid water foliates. It sheds little flakes of water.

And what could be neater, what could be more reasonable 
than that? 

We have a skin. We shed flakes of our skin to be gobbled 
up by our tiny pets, the dust mites.

Water has a skin, too, and evidently it also sheds tiny 
flakes from its skin. It is these 2D flakes that give 
rise to the 8th power Casimir Law.


Frank Grimer

    The falling leaves drift by the window
    The autumn leaves of red and gold
    I see your lips, the summer kisses
    The sun-burned hands I used to hold

    Since you went away the days grow long
    And soon Ill hear old winter's song
    But I miss you most of all my darling
    When autumn leaves begin to fall

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