Lots of messages today on belief & skepticism in
alternative energy. 

To be expected: after all, the 'cutting edge' and the
'bleeding edge' are the objective and subjective ways
of looking at the same delicate interface. This
inherent level of doubt is inevitable in the early
stages of any breakthrough field: LENR, hydrinos, ZPE
conversion, or ultra-efficient electrolysis - all of
which have some level of ingrained truth and some
level of self-deception and misdirection attached. And
curiously - all of these sub-fields may have an
overlap in the plethora of seemingly disparate
investigations - particularly 'ultra-efficient
electrolysis.' It is 'new physics' plain and simple -
and we must abandon not only mainstream guidance, but
also the 'one who brung you' so to speak of the
crudeness of prior art.

One does not necessarily need to believe in the
present objective proof of a crude device like the
Joe-Cell to further investigate what is going on. It
is called 'suspension of disbelief'. In fact,
personally I do not believe that any such Cell has
ever powered an ICE without getting most of the energy
from a replinished surface layer hydrocarbons, such as
crankcase oil. That is the beauty of hydrogen as a
fuel - it is so 'mobile' in this kind of high
compression combustion situation (ICE) that it allows
the very efficient burning of any available
hydrocarbon, including lubrication oil.

If any crude device can be understood as evidence of
ultra-efficient electrolysis (and there is zero real
proof of that for now) - then even the secondary
ability to produce enough hydrogen to burn-off a layer
of surface oil becomes important in a hybrid scheme.
The fact that a particular device, like a few of these
cells, has gotten that close to a real anomaly - i.e.
to some level of success, often indicates that there
is much room for improvement over the primitive level
of design being used previously... and this fact of
much 'room for improvement' is despite the irrelevant
fact that some joker has made 80 or 80,000 of them in
a certain incorrect way. They might as well be mojo
bags, for all that prior art is worth - except for the
serendipitous discovery of 'something novel' ... which
has been completely overlooked by the practioneers due
their lack of knowledge of physics and focus on
'orgone' or related hocus-pocus.

Certainly very little science, and much superstition,
has been involved in  those most (not all) of those
past efforts - which nevertheless may yet serve to
point the way, serendipitously, but should not be
copied as if they were the product of directed R&D,
and certainly not considered to be evidence of years
of 'trial and error'  HA! nor should they be endorsed
by anyone who wants to achieve real success - just
because they may have pointed the way towards what is
'really' going on.

There is the possibility of achieving something
valuable and unique here, in this sub-field which can
be termed as 'eltra-efficient electrolysis' and it may
be drivaive and based roughly on these crude early
designs, but the end product will surely be very
different from any of them.


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