The spreadsheet did the dH algebra like it's own mentor told it, Fred.
You could try downloading the trial version of CHEMIX (Google it) ans see what their thermochemistry section gives for this reaction? Mine has expired, and was in Norwegian or something for some reason (must have missed the language option)
PS About Excel, there are other spreasheet software around, some of which are free and claim they can read xls:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: Free Radical Chain Reactions

How do they do that?
My  calculations are always using dG  algebra like my mentors told me. 
BTW. I don't have Excel. :-(
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 6/3/2006 12:13:36 PM
Subject: Re: Free Radical Chain Reactions

My spreadsheet finds at 25° and 1atm:

O2(g) + 2 H2(g) -> 2 H2O(l) + 571.66 kJ/mol (exothermic)

Spontaneous at 25°C. Equilibrium at about 1477°C.

Molar masses and thermodynamic properties

Enthalpy change kJ/mol

Entropy change J/K/mol

Gibbs Free Energy change kJ/mol

Sources: c.f. bottom of spreadsheet




Again I agree with your dG value as you can see at bottom right of the above table, but I suggest innumerable calorimeters have measured a thermal energy of 572 kJ/mole (enthalpy) rather than 474 or 475 kJ/mole (Gibbs)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Frederick Sparber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: Free Radical Chain Reactions

> Michel Jullian wrote:
>> Fred I really meant "the reaction below", H2 combustion in O2:
>> 2 H2 + O2 ----> 2 H2O
> Gibbs Free Energy from CRC tables.

> HOH     - 56.687 (liquid)
> OH          + 8.18
> HO-OH   - 28.78
> H               +48.58
> H2              0.00
> O               + 55.39
> O2              0.00
> 2 H2  (g) + O2 (g) ----->  2 H2O (liquid)
> 2 times -5! 6.687 Kcal/mole or 2 x KJ/mole = - 475 KJ Gibbs Free Energy
> for combustion of 2 moles of H2 at STP.
> Measured innumerable times in a bomb calorimeter.
>> How many joules per mole does this produce, and does this correspond to
> the
>> enthalpy change or to the Gibbs free energy change of the reaction?
>> The question is only intended to solve the controversy one way or
> another, I
>> haven't looked up the answer. Admittedly I have my own opinion of what it
>> will be (enthalpy), so in this sense you can call it a trick question.
>> Michel
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Frederick Sparber" <
>> To: <! t;
&g t;> Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 3:53 PM
>> Subject: Re: Free Radical Chain Reactions
>> > Michel Jullian wrote:
>> >>
>> >> BTW Fred, have you given some thought to our enthalpy vs Gibbs
>> > controversy?
>> >> Which energy can be recovered from the reaction below do you think, the
>> >> enthalpy change or the Gibbs free energy change?
>> >>
>> > Is that a trick question, Michel?
>> >
>> > The H-H bond is 498 Kjoule/mole the same as the O-O bond and the O-H
>> > bond..
>> > Hence overall,  H-H + O-O ---->  H-O-H   + O  nets Zip Gibbs or
> Enthalpy.
>> > But, O + Fe ---> Fe-O:  Fe-O (390 KJ/mole) minus  Fe-Fe (100 KJ/Mole)
>> > equals a Gibbs Free Energy of 390-100 = 290 KJ when you oxidize iron
>> >! with O radicals.  :-)
>> >
>> > OTOH,  H-O-H  2 x 498 KJ/Mole + Ni ----> NiO  (382 KJ/mole) +
>> > H-H = 498 - 382 =  116 KJ/mole. Easy to Compare Enthalpy
>> > with the Ellingham (enthalpy) Diagrams.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Fred.
>> >>
>> >> Michel
>> >>
>> >> ----- Original Message -----
>> >> From: "Frederick Sparber" <
>> >> To: "vortex-l" <>
>> >> Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 4:52 ! PM
&g t;> >> Subject: Re: Free Radical Chain Reactions
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> > Actually  2 H2 + O2 ----> 2 H2O has about 14  reaction steps.
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > "Another important consideration is the formation of chain reactions.
>> > The
>> >> > basic premise of chain reaction mechanisms is also that free radicals
>> > play
>> >> > a leading role in the destruction of reactant molecules. The chain
>> >> > reaction mechanism itself consists of several steps: initiation,
>> >> > propagation, branching (not always present), and termination. This
> can
>! ;> > be
>> >> > illustrated, for certain range of temperature and pressure, by some
> of
>> > the
>> >> > reactions in the following Hydrogen oxidation mechanism:"
>> >> >
>> >> > "To summarize, reaction mechanisms can be assembled from elementary
>> >> > reactions using free radicals as the means for decomposition of the
>> >> > reactant, and intermediate products. Chain branching reactions, if
> they
>> >> > occur, take a very important role in the mechanism as they lead to
> the
>> >> > formation of increasing concentrations of radicals. Reaction time and
>> >> > temperature have a bearing on radical concentration, and the type of
>> >> > reaction initiating the consumption of the reactant"
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> &g! t;
< /BODY>

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