john herman wrote...
  I hope others in and of votrtex will ask this and similar terms to be understood.... some how....
      How will we know what vortexians are trying to talk about??


Howdy John,

You may become aware as others that the English language is evolving into a "hunchbabe" style communication medium. These evolving forms no longer concern proper spelling and diction. Those old forms of English are left to the Brits. Perhaps the most change is occurring in the  communities where a new combination of ebonics, rap, and latino is melding into a "jungle " mumbo-jumb. This strange new language may consist of certain English words used as terms of endearment and entertainment such as Mo' F*u and other close personal idioms spoken within one's particular family and culture.When spoken outside one's family, the words may produce the anticipated results of gunfire but within the family they are designed to fill a sentence that would otherwise be incomplete  since the connection between the brain and the tongue of the people that practice this " hunch" language would otherwise be seen as ignorant unless everyone listening has a "joint" between their lips while listening or talking.

The amazing product resulting from the discovery of this new form of English is gobs of money that result from publishing dictionaries ( on CD's) in the form of a curious cross between gestures and sound. Another result has been the rise of a new form of capitalism called "FEMA vouchers" and Welfare suppliments" that can lift one from poverty instantly.The scientific breakthrough emerging from the money spent on research by these groups is astonishing. New forms of chemistry like "crack" and "meth" substances  can catapult a person into entire new world of reality that seemingly  exceeds the speed of sound while they are able to understand the music when off into space.Certain of these new technologies still remain a mystery to the average "fringe" scientist.

Vorts refuse to keep up with the new language of " hunchbaby" and therefore must use a "shorthand" type technical language described as " tell it like it is". Difficult to fathom using a Webster's dictionary but you " get the drift".



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