Terry quoted..

"What makes this approach so interesting is that the behavior of
condensed matter is collective. The details of individual molecules
hardly matter; the system's properties emerge from the act of
aggregation. When water freezes, the molecules do not change, but the
collective behavior does, and the laws that apply to liquids no longer
do. Under the right conditions, a fluid can turn into a superfluid,
governed by quantum mechanics even on macroscopic scales. Chapline,
along with physicists Evan Hohlfeld, Robert B. Laughlin and David I.
Santiago of Stanford University, has proposed that a similar process
happens at event horizons. The equations of relativity fail, and new
laws emerge. "If one thinks of spacetime as a superfluid, then it is
very natural that in fact something physical does happen at the event
horizon--that is, the classical event horizon is replaced by a quantum
phase transition," Chapline says. "

Howdy Terry,

Chapline is technically correct as far as he projects the thought however he fails to describe the complete process. There is a beauty and an ugly with a balance in the physical.

 Describing the function of the "balance" is where Chapline remains silent. The physical in which we exist is actually " ordered chaos". It is neither total chaos or perfection. What appears to be a " balance" is a force that inculcates a type of proportional and reset action to the physical.   Identify this force and you have a clue as to  what we may describe as cold fusion. This glimpse may be quite shocking as Mizumo learned. As close as I have ever been able to fathom the mystery is a subtle passage in the bible where the wording states... "everything is held together by the power of His word".


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