Focus Fusion Society

Welcome from the Focus Fusion Society

Has the Energy Crisis got you down?

Are you worried about global warming, the economy, "war for oil"?

Don't like being asked to choose between preserving the arctic refuge or building nuclear reactors?

Would you like to live in a world with unlimited, cheap, safe, clean energy with prosperity and affluence for all?

If you answered "yes" to these questions, then you should know that there is a novel solution to these problems called "Focus Fusion."

The goal of the Focus Fusion Society is to turn the dream of safe, cheap, clean, unlimited energy from nuclear fusion into a practical reality, to do it as soon as possible, and to ensure that this technology is made available to all mankind.

We will pursue this goal by developing the Plasma Focus Device for hydrogen-boron nuclear fusion. To finance the research needed, we will raise funds from the general public and publicize the need for government funding of research aimed at developing this ideal energy source.

We believe that:

hydrogen-boron fusion is the "Energy of the Present";

the Plasma Focus Device is a practical means to harness hydrogen-boron fusion; and with your help we can build the Plasma Focus Device, prove that fusion works, and propel humanity into a new era.

Our confidence is based on solid theoretical work and experiments that have achieved temperatures of over a billion degrees.

The successful development of Focus Fusion Energy will:

eliminate the environmental destruction of fossil fuel use,

reduce global carbon emissions and therefore, global warming,

free the world economy from the crushing burden of high energy prices,

eliminate the continual wars aimed at maintaining control of oil resources,

give to everyone decentralized, small-scale power, eliminating corporate control of energy,

provide the cheap energy needed to eliminate world poverty,

make possible a new space propulsion system that will radically cheapen and speed space exploration,

free the world from 19th-century energy sources and provide power for the Third Millennium.

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