-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen A. Lawrence

Anybody know what this means? : 
"/"Shewanella/, of interest in environmental cleanup for its ability 
to hasten the weathering of toxic metals into benign ones" 
How do you "weather" a toxic metal (like, perhaps, lead, arsenic, mercury...) into a "benign one" (as in a benign metal, like, aluminum, copper, iron, ...?) ? 
There's clearly something here that I'm not getting. 


Here's a similar article:



Thar's gold in them thar microbes

Thursday, July 13, 2006; Posted: 11:32 p.m. EDT (03:32 GMT)

Gold nuggets: Bacteria may contribute to their formation.

SYDNEY, Australia (AP) -- Researchers in Australia have uncovered evidence that a tiny microbe may have the Midas touch of Greek legend, capable of turning dust to gold.

Findings reported in the July 14 issue of the U.S.-based magazine "Science" suggest a bacteria known as Ralstonia metallidurans may play a key role in creating gold nuggets and grains.


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