Howdy Vorts,
Seldom do I get so disgusted with government bureaucracy as when I watched the TV news story reporting the indictment of nurses and Dr.Anna Pou for 2nd degree murder. The attorney General of Louisana Chas Foti announced the charges.
The accused supposedly killed elderly patients some FOUR days after the Katrina hurricane struck New Orleans (NOLA).
The TV reporter was lind enough to mention the hospital was without power, water , AC, supplies and had begged for relief.
Leave it to a Louisana politician Attorney General to set the moral tone of the most corrupt state in the nation.
What did the nurses and doctors ask after four days of hell .. "where were you".
Folks, FEMA is fake. AG Chas.FOTI makes me ashamed to be as close as Texas to him. My heart goes out to doctor Anna. At least she showed mercy, something missing from all the talk and excuses by the people in charge after Katrina. Houston opened their hearts and their homes to the refugees but the government of Louisana was missing in action and presumed dead.


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