Memories fade, conspiracy theories bloom ... but prophets of Biblical proportions are still around us these days, apparently,

So... while you are waiting for more "firewater" to cook-up, using a new-and-improved method (Teflon wax over Teflon surface), you take a few moments to read some entertaining ... err... fiction?

Fiction or no, even before TWA there was OKC... and yes, maybe a few "rogue agents" were lingering holdovers (or offspring) from the Grassy-Knoll days (nepotism is rampantly improper in the Agency, you know).

In 1991, roughly four years before the OKC bombing - the Governor of that fair state: Frank Keating is a former FBI hot-shot-turned-Pol. His brother, Martin, writes this prescient manuscript, now a published book - named: "The Final Jihad."

In this largely unheralded book, Keating lays out a "fictional" story of terrorists who decide to bomb a federal building. Guess what the name of the one of the key "terrorists" is?

Ans: Tom McVey. Wow ... usually you try to hide similarities a little better. At least they try to change the names (to protect the perps?) on "Law and Order".

Now remember, this was 4 years before the deed. Coincidental?

Ha! maybe coincidental if it were not for about a dozen other details, apparently known in advance by someone... remember it's written in 1991, and our modern day prophet also predicts the TWA downing, the World Trade Center bombing, and more. Did he somehow get hold of a master-plan of "dirty tricks" left unattended by his FeeBeeBro? ... or was this just a mysterious premonition that Jr. Keating had (from the unHoly Ghost) ?

Who knows, but this book sure does sound like there was some kind of a blue print for several so-called "terrorist acts" already in the works" in 1991, if not before... " Perhaps it was "just a meme"... or... maybe that is what prophets are good at: latching onto memes - or else ... enjoying holidays with former agents-provocateur, who --- as are many Okies, will enjoy a nip or two before the Turkey arrives --- and might inadvertently spill out a few top-national-secrets after Jack-on-the-rocks.

Is Martin Keating a modern day prophet? a lucky-guesser? is blood thicker than water? or what is going-on here ...?


Harry Tuttle
   aide-de-camp of Gen. Benton Partin

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