
If you reread the original post where I "complimented" the Correa's and many others, you might notice it was I that was attacked by said Correa.

MC: I can believe that, even though I haven't followed this thread from its start. A while back on Vo there were unjustified attacks from an associate of the Correas whose name I don't now recall.

BTW, I contacted over 4000 others not listed from all branches of the Government, NASA and Universities seeking some small assistance, to no avail because I had no credentials, etc and what I said just couldn't possibly be real - but it is.

MC: You experience is similar to the Correas, who made many attempts to interest various possible clients, without success. They have been approached by various interests which upon investigation appeard to be bogus. After all that, they have become defensive.

If others want to think I have a bad attitude for calling a Spade a Spade - so be it, but from here out I will work as I can without expecting anything but the SOS from others.

MC: And so you wind up in a similar position, bitter and a bit battle-weary, with a technology you believe works, unable to get support. This the fate of many in the "OU" field, and one reason why Gene Mallove tried to provide a receptive ear to people like you. He made serious efforts to be responsive and did put money in various devices, all of which proved to be fatally flawed. Greer at one point was making a similar effort, but I have heard no reports of success.

Maybe some of the vorts should get off your duffs and invest in someone - and since Mike says the Correa's have an OU device - start with them.

MC: I can cite four initiatives that I know of. 1) There is LENR/CMNS, with hundreds of papers by credentialed investigators, clear evidence of an energetic process but no device emerging from a somwhat disorganized field. 2) There is Mark Goldes, who has been maintaining a very correct position and now energes with a patent for a possible OU device. 3) There is PAGD, where there is a clear energy release from a 'aether' source [the Correa patent states that the energy source is unknown to the inventor, but eventually will be understood by the physics community]. The characteristics of PAGD are such that building a useful working device, such as a motor, powered by PAGD has been a difficult problem whose solution may be the substance of the recent patent. And, finally, 4) Mills' BlackLight Power process, which is well funded [$50+ million ], well organized, and may be close to commercial development. Items 1) and 4) require a fuel, both derivable from water.

MC: The contract that the Correas one time wanted was an up-front irrevocable investment of some $15 million over a five year period, with the Correas retaining 51% control. In other words, the investor cannot control what is done or who does it. Lest this seem harsh, what the Correas wanted to do was assemble a team of their choice who would have guaranteed employment for five years to devote full time effort to the project. They could not do this with typical venture capitalists, who want control and may jerk the investment if they don't like what is going on.

MC: Chris, acquiring and holding support requires much more than a good idea or device. Personality and many other factors enter in.

MC: Good luck.

Mike Carrell

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