Jed wrote..

 People often imagine that such institutions are
ancient and permanent, but that is not the case.

Howdy Jed,

I spend entirely too much time reading your's and Jones threads and comments<grin>.

 Thinking of various religious teachings and practices led me to rethink the prophetic statements of Jacob made when blessing his two grandsons   Menassah and Ephraim. As part of the ten northern tribes of Isreal that are mentioned in history as the "lost tribes" their future functions are alluded to in this prophecy. If they are "lost" they have no future.. unless.. we are not looking at the world scene through those prophetic words. The description of Joseph's "coat of many colors" has always baffled me as to it's meaning. I have often considered the role Isreal plays in the world scene. throughout history. They are way to tiny to influence the mass of humanity.. unless.. again we are missing something. Isreal is way too influencial in the world.. Science, medicine, banking, law, administration, etc is keyed to the ancient mores of Isreali law and ethics.

The question becomes .. who are these people ? Who are Ephaim and Menassah? do they exist in today's world? These intriguing questions are given to ponder. Joseph was the son that forgave and ultimately rescued his brothers from starvation by his actions in Egypt. I try to picture his sons, Ephraim and Menassah performing the same function in today's Isreal and the connection to the the Brits and the USA. Do we again see a paradox being played out on the world stage often described in the ancient writing in the bible couched in stories about Cain and Abel, Isaac and Ismael, Jacob and Esau.... Isreal and Islam ?? Man's attempt to solve problems using human tools?

As an ole Andy Griffin TV series once portrayed.. Andy was asked a question and his answer was.... I don't know the answer, BUT, I have thought about it.

The Mexican Federalies had the solution in the ole days. Ride into town, choose 3 lilely suspicious bandido candidates to put again the wall and execute. The priest would invariably attempt to intervene with the claim that at least one was innocent. The executioner would say.. God will sort the souls. Politics by expediancy.


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