In reply to  Mike Carrell's message of Tue, 15 Aug 2006 22:08:20
>What would Robin have us do, foment revolution, 
>establish representative government and forced redistribution of wealth?

No, if the US stops supplying such governments with arms,
ammunition, and training for their armed forces, the people
themselves have a much better chance of overthrowing their corrupt

> I 
>think we tried that in Iraq, and it isn't going well for various reasons.

No, that is not what your government is trying to do in Iraq, it's
just what they tell you they are trying to do, because they know
it will sound good to you. You really need to take a look at who
is benefiting from this war (hint look up "Carlyle Group"), and
contrast that with who is paying for it.

>Where the wealth of a country comes from a valuable, concentrated resource 
>like oil, copper, or banannas it is possible for a kelptocracy to form as it 
>takes few people to control the operation and support a series of thugs in 
>power, wo do not use the welath for the betterment of all the people. 

Indeed, but as I said above, they tend not to do so well when
military support is missing. (And BTW I agree that the US is not
the only guilty party in this regard - all the major powers have
had a hand in it).

>all the oil nations are not alike, someof the Emirates are investing their 
>welath in the whole populace.

Also true, at the least, in the form of very cheap gasoline.

>The US often winds up supporting the 'bad guys' as seen from the perspective 
>of Austrailia and other nations. Just remember that the finger of greed 
>points in all directions.

Indeed, which is why we need to follow it to find a real solution
to the problem.


Robin van Spaandonk

Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

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