This speculation is by Hans Dieter.
It comes from a different list.

> Subject: [4DWorldx] The emerging food-fuel battle
> Ethanol as additive to gasoline from crude oil has, as other alternative
> fuels, for ex. biodiesel, gained popularity in some parts of Europe. It is not
> only the environment conscience which is calmed down, it is also the price of
> the usual 
> 50% ethanol added to premium gas which is kept independent of  the price of
> crude oil and therefore cheap.
> The difference per liter of premium is presently 25 euro cents, or about 20%
> No one has ever figured out how the competition of some biomass as food versus
> the input to produce ethanol influences the price of the basic or underly, the
> food. 
> In terms of corn in the US corn belt, where 25 producers of ethanol are buying
> up the total output of corn production from some farms, someone did the
> calculation. 
> The amount of corn required to produce 25 gallons of ethanol can feed a human
> in the third world for a whole year. When the ethanol priducers have reached
> their capacity by end of 2007, 14 million tons of corn will go for ethanol,
> leaving only 6 million tons of the planned increment of corn production for
> export as food. Already now, ethanol distillers buy up 50% of South Dakota's
> output of grain and corn, and 30% of Iowa's production.
> Necessarily, the price of food made form grain and corn will rise sharply.
> This has already happened in Asia, where production of biodiesel from palm oil
> made this basic nutrition a luxury in terms of price. In Brazil, the commodity
> sugar cane is up 100% in the past 12 months, due to the increment in demand by
> Brazil's ethanol industry.
> Besides a coming battle for water, there will be a battle for food.
> My indecision is final for now
> ( Dharma the Cat )
> Hans Dieter

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