Kyle wrote:-

<<If it gets so far gone that we have had
Islamic radicals detonate nuclear weapons on our (American) soil, hopefully
someone will have the guts to retaliate massively. Or, to clarify, "nuke"
the whole bloody place>>

It's not a place so you can't target it, Kyle. It's an idea. There are countries where the idea is more concentrated but if you wish to wipe out the idea with nukes then you have to vaporise just about the whole world. Most of the suicide bombers and extremists who attend the legendary training camps come from outside the countries where the camps are supposed to be located. The recent plot in Britain to smuggle liquid explosive on to planes bound for the US was entirely "staffed" by British residents. Would you nuke Britain too?

Most of the 911 terrorists/freedom fighters (depending on which side of the fence you are) were Saudis. The US backed Saudi dynasty (which is so extremely close to the Bush regime) is a MAJOR cause of the Islamic resentment. Osama's own family are a part of it and probably caused his extreme beliefs and so he is now pursuing jihad as some kind of twisted "family therapy". If the US had stopped backing this regime many events would not have occurred. But they didn't. Like characters from " Jackass", that accurate TV portrayal of the base character of too many Americans, the unpleasant, idiot jerks continued on. Change the bullying, greedy, "America first" way of politics and the problem will solve itself.

Currently, America and Israel are the greatest threats to world stability with China a fair way behind. Elements of power in both America and Israel have still got this "Us first, and only us" mentality. Most of your West and East coasts were against the Iraq invasion in the first place. It was only the stupid, under-educated over-propagandised redneck fundamentalist Christian "heartlands" that wanted this new crusade.

In the history of many of the older nations there was this colonialist view. Britain, Germany, Japan, France Portugal, Spain, Russia did it. We all fell for this "we are the most important country" rhetoric. Hopefully we have now grown up. For God's sake America, grow up too.

Nick Palmer

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