uh, Nick?  I can't speak for all of my fellow stupid, under-educated,
over-propagandized redneck fundamentalist Christian "heartlanders" but you
have left the bounds of civility and are treading on the rules of this list
with your insults.

Iraq is nothing more than *basic* military positioning to protect energy
interests in the region.  Period.  Anyone who wants to make it anything more
than that is either ignorant, naive, or a self-loathing masochist.   Pearl
Harbor was allowed to happen to strategically enter the pacific theater.
911 was allowed to happen to strategically enter the mid-east theater.

Oil is a pillar of the world economy and civilization as we know it.
America can never leave the region until either the oil or the need for it
is gone.  Soak it in, accept it.

This topic has already been over analyzed and pontificated upon extensively,
ad nauseum.  I am not going to retype what has already been typed.... go
read the frigg'n archive yourself.


-------Original Message-----
From: Nick Palmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 5:26 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]: New Segway Products

It was only the stupid, under-educated over-propagandised redneck
Christian "heartlands" that wanted this new crusade.

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