On 9/3/06, OrionWorks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hmmm... Interesting. That billionaire investor's initials aren't B.G. are

It would be nice to see some serious investment in these controversial areas
- finally.

Nope, R.R., from a totally energy unrelated business.  AAMOF the
presentation we gave was to RR and his head technical advisor, an ME.
RR said that he did not think that his holding company would be
interested since it was totally outside their line of business.
However, he said he was personally interested.  He presented it to his
BoD and they declined for the stated reason.

He is not in it for the money.  He has lived over four score years and
wants to leave a legacy.  His goal is to feed the hungry of the world.
Imagine what a fuel less energy source of only 1 kW could do for the
third world!

An amusing anecdote:  While they were signing the papers at one of the
largest country clubs here, Paul said the waiter asked for RR's
account number who gave the boy a three digit number.  The waiter said
that wasn't enough digits.  RR said check it out.  Of course they were
sequentially assigned and RR had merely left off the leading zeros.

Anyway, it will all be public soon.


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