thomas malloy wrote:


Merlin is a computer program which predicts future events with an 80% accuracy. One of the developers is George Hart, PhD physics. To get the full story, truncate the URL at Merlin. Now if I can just figure out how to listen to his sound file on Iran.

I'm posting this to call your attention to this page, particularly the Epistemology of the Occult. The rest of the page has some other interesting comments too.

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Astrology by computer. 80% accuracy is easy if you refuse to mention the predictions that failed or if your predictions are so vague that they could mean any thing. As for Iran I predict a war within three years, It takes that long to make plutonium and a little more uranium. If you have them you have a nuke. The rest is easy. If you have suicide bombers and a little lead you don't even need an explosive casing. We need to take out the nukes before they end up in the islamofascists hands. If not cities will die, loudly! Thats my first prediction.
Prediction 2 An Indian or Eurasian city will be hit first.
Prediction 3 A new class of Iranian sub with a conventional power plant but very advanced batteries and good sensors will make things very interesting in the Persian gulf and Indian ocean. Conventional subs are quieter than nuclear subs.
Prediction 4 expect robots to figure large on any future battlefield.

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