In reply to  Paul's message of Sun, 8 Oct 2006 14:11:40 -0700
Hi Paul,
>I've been a member here for over a year, but this is
>my first post, lol.  Are the posts supposed to start
>with [Vo]: ?
>The following wiki is a good introduction to my work
I have a few questions.

1) At the frequencies you envisage using, wouldn't the heat have
difficulty entering/leaving the material? IOW wouldn't you just
end up recycling the same heat over and over again internally?
(A thermal "short circuit" as it were?)

2) If the temperature difference is just a couple of degrees,
doesn't the Carnot limit severely restrict the potential
efficiency of any conversion device?

3) I thought that magnetic cooling was already widely used, and am
not aware of any OU associated with it.

Robin van Spaandonk

Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

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