Off-Topic: Gasoline Prices and Market Manipulation

Most of us "want" to believe that the price we must pay for commodity items like gasoline - is somehow "above politics" and cannot be easily manipulated; especially to influence the outcome of what looks to be - in three weeks - very close mid-term elections in the USA.

Therefore, when the price of gasoline recently dropped substantially, only a few dyed-in-the-wool cynics made that particular connection. Personally, I did not see a political nexus then; but OTOH I'm proud to be labeled as a non-partisan political cynic, as the whole process stinks, including BOTH parties. Our system is often little more than a Pac-man PAC-sham which is run by "special interests" usually Petro-interests, and that will not change much, even if control of Congress does. There will be a liberal version of Jack Abramoff which emerges to fill that void and he will be distributing the same petrodollars for votes, just to a different constituency:

Even this cynic could not imagine that the price of gasoline could be manipulated that quickly and by that much - given that the price of OPEC crude [which is out of our control as many prior shortages have demonstrated] which only recently has gone down by a lesser percentage --- nor -- that the price of gasoline could change the outcome of even close re-election races. Even if the electorate "votes their pocketbook" - does the cost of gasoline matter that much?

The stakes are extremely high. More so than you might imagine. Some of Nancy Pelosi's supporters claim that if the Democrats win, Bush will be impeached and possibly even put on trial in Hague for war crimes. Apparently charges have been secretly drawn up. You could say therefore, that the stakes *could not be higher* for the President and his inner clique, including Cheney and Rummy.

However, I would not want to get into a poker game against that threesome. Even using Pelosi's chips.

BTW the wholesale price of gasoline last week - in the USA - get this: it is less on the futures market (per gallon), then is the equivalent price of the crude oil it from which it is derived! Plus OPEC has stated that the recent smaller drop in crude oil prices actually began with the drop in gasoline prices in the USA -- and NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. This is a reversed cause-and-effect situation which would have been expected in a normal free market dynamics. So what could be going on ?

The futures market - by and large - determines the pump price in the USA for gasoline, as all the US production is totally pre-bought (an Enron legacy) ... and that futures market is controlled, ultimately, by a single NYC investment firm called Goldman Sachs (GS). This particular banking firm has long been a "suits" company with suspiciously close ties to both the CIA and Mossad - and to both political parties, not just the Republicans. It is the Halliburton of Banking. In a few words GS is the most profitable and successful investment firm in the world - is no longer under Jewish control, if it ever was, and is the most "connected" bank around at high levels... and supposedly [what they do not want to publicize] : the biggest tax cheat in the banking world - done by hiding trading profits overseas, especially in Asia and then to Europe in a petrodollar recycling scheme.

After 9/11, when two of GS's banking competitors were nearly wiped out by the tragedy, reports appeared on the net, along with a scanned copy of an Goldman Sachs internal memo, said to be a smoking-gun of inner circle "fore-knowledge" of the event. It was a memo sent around but not in hard copy form except to only to a few overseas offices: dated on September 10, and it is advising all employees of a possible terrorist attack. It recommended all employees avoid any American government buildings. It was supposed to be read and destroyed. Yes - WTC 6 is/was not exactly a "government building" per se, but more on that later...

The PR firm handling the GS account has countered these rumors and "conspiracy theory" reports in general - with the disdainful reply that the purported memo (which they did not deny) referred only to government buildings, and apparently only to such buildings in Japan, not to "the Street". Huh? How many US government building do we have in Japan? Anyway, critics have been trying every since to determine if Goldman Sachs distributed other electronic memos, closer to home, which have not come to light. They apparently have an internal computer system which wipes all computers of a certain type of internal email. You can check for yourself on how they fared in 9/11.

Anyway... enough pandering to conspiracy nuts. Here are some hard facts.

Back in July, nobody thought much about the fact that President Bush had nominated Henry M. Paulson, Jr. to be the 74th Secretary of the Treasury. Quick confirmation. This was just another in a long line of candidates picked from the ranks of GS for high office especially at Treasury.

Yes, Paulson had been the recent Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs. At the time, a couple of months ago, this did not raise eyebrows except for the fact that Goldman had been aggressively stacking the commodities futures market to reflect its long-position outlook on gasoline- and was partly responsible for $3+ gallon run-up in fuel price during the summer driving season.

Some cynics may have thought that Bush was effectively promoting Paulson to take over Treasury, and that this job may have been a "payback" from the Bush oil connections - for a job well-done in the previous round of gasoline price manipulation. He received an enormous compensation package on leaving GS - so the tiny government paycheck was not an issue - with a quarter billion in the bank.

BTW - Paulson's three immediate predecessors as CEO of Goldman Sachs: Jon Corzine, Stephen Friedman, and Robert Rubin - each left the company as extraordinarily wealthy men (hundreds of millions in severance) to "serve" in government: Corzine as a U.S. Senator (later Governor of New Jersey), Friedman as chairman of the National Economic Council (later chairman of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board), and Rubin as Treasury Secretary (for Clinton).

It goes like this. Serve 4-6 years at the helm at GS, then go into government with a quarter billion of severance to compensate for the minuscule government salary. And as for any lingering obligations ? Well, what does Goldman do just weeks after Paulson is sworn in as Treasury Secretary?

It announces a surprising, but not so subtle move that drives DOWN gasoline prices, short-term. The opposite of what they had been doing in the years prior to this. Not just a little short selling either - it was an aggressive move in retrospect, since there was no underlying reason for it at all on the supply side. OPEC was horrified and blindsided.

And surprisingly, it was a move that "lost" about $6 billion from commodity investors (in two weeks) who still held onto long positions. Almost all of these were oil companies themselves or overseas speculators.

Nice chess move in a way, to finance a re-election move "off the books" so to speak as it is coming just months before the election - that: according to cynics. What GS did - in effect- was to tell its traders - we are going to see the futures price of gasoline drop by 25% in one month. Tell your most trusted independent investors to get out now... or else. Let big oil and the Euro speculators take the loss. Very Enron-like, no? ...and need anyone add ... Mission accomplished. Almost theatrical.

Now, it may be hard to swallow this, for the political idealist, or for the free-market advocate, including some neo-cons who are just as shocked as the rest of us at high level "meddling" -- that this kind of market manipulation can go on at the Treasury level, and behind our collective backs - for whatever reason. But it only happens infrequently, and in fact this is the first time it has been used aggressively during Bush's tenure.

But the Washington Post has revealed another leg of the manipulation ploy - the one designed to show citizens that they are better-off than the "liberal press" is telling them - the one in which our Federal government long ago teamed-up with GS to form a clandestine group know as the PPT- or Plunge Protection Team. It is semi-official, but has access to billions in treasury assets and is controlled by the aforementioned secretary pf Treasury - Paulson (who BTW is a "Fundamentalist," a so-called Christian Scientist). PPT is supposed to jump in and buy stocks when the economy is in trouble in order to prevent recession "steamrolling," as happened prior to the Great Depression - prevent the "run on the bank" so to speak.

But it may turn out that recently, from early-October on, they have overshot their mandate, buying stocks long and have been pushing the stock market up to new records, just prior to the November elections by overly aggressive buying - which is certainly not part of any anti-recession mandate, as this is NOT an economic crisis, yet. Ronald Reagan formed the PPT with Executive Order 12631. It's just another way of "painting the tape" (Using your tax money, or newly printed Federal Reserve dollars) to manipulate "free" markets for political goals. Goldman of course is a founding member of the secretive PPT and yet it gets its normal retail commission for every share purchased and sold. It will profit handsomely and has probably already made back Paulson's huge severance package, in just the gasoline trades alone.

Every share which has been bought recently to push the stock market to new highs - or futures bet on the gasoline shorts - will be sold after the election so that there will be little trace of what has happened - and perhaps even a net profit. You need some profits to keep things like this silent for a few months, even after Bush pulls off a narrow victory to maintain control.

This is the way US politics operates today. That is - unless more of us can raise a feeble voice in protest. I just wish that there was a viable and "honest" third party. There is none - now - and if the Democrats win, it will be more of the same. In fact there are reasons not to join the Bush opposition - national pride being one.

If regime change does happen, let's hope that it does not result eventually in the national disgrace of having Bush, Cheney and Rummy on trial overseas for war crimes ... the accusation being promoting war against a sovereign nation, under false pretenses, resulting in over half a million dead Iraqi. That is serious and who wants to see an American President treated like a common criminal?

But that is precisely what is "in the cards" with a Pelosi speakership. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi says she will "drain the swamp" [in her fondest wish] should the Dems win control - and Pelosi takes the gavel as the first" Madam Speaker" in the history of American Politics. Many suspect she has already been in contact with prosecutors in the Hague, and is gloating in vindication for her strong opposition to Bush, with every new poll.

I would not want to be on the same Airline Flight she gets on.


Harry Tuttle Brazilian cynic-extraordinaire & wannabe GS-CEO

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