On Friday 20 October 2006 16:23, RC Macaulay wrote:
> Blank
> Howdy Jones, A close peek at the "rocketman" makes me consider he has
> adapted the vortex air blaster theme to a turbine.. pretty neat.
> http://www.swissrocketman.com/images_gtre/41.gif
> Alas! the USA is rapidly losing it's capacity to produce anvanced
> technology products. Almost every consumer product is now made in China.
> That doesn't mean it can't be produced in the USA, it means the experience
> in daily production allows them to advance past our idleness to the point
> that they would need to send their tech people to the USA to make a product
> to meet their quality control standards. We have become a nation of
> wholesalers. Richard

Oh, Indeed, like 'Reveal' who marketed multimedia products through Wal-Mart
stores in the early nineties.  Who remembers them?!  Middlemen are really 
transient nonenities that disappear as soon as ways can be found to bypass
them.  Reveal was buying electronic computer peripherals from a Taiwanese
company in Kaioushung and selling them  through Wal-Mart and other stores
here in the United States after rebranding them.  There was almost no value
really added by Reveal except to ship them here.  As a result, accessories
described in the manuals were totally unavailable from the real manufacturer, 
and Reveal did not live long enough to really deal with.  Evidently 
Wal-Mart's people found out who the real producers were and promptly tried
to cut Reveal out.  I think that there was some litigation but it came to 
nothing.  So the danger in becoming a nation of wholesalers is that we become
a nation of losers.  We lost the means of production to slave labor.  We never
really owned the means of production in the first place.  Corporations will go
where they can to make a buck and know no national loyalty whatsoever.  The
passage of 'free trade' legislation erased our borders, our tariffs, our 
independance, our freedom, and now is erasing our wealth and our jobs to a 
tide of foreign indigents invading even the smallest of our towns, working 
for nothing and regrettably so must we.  And all we have to show for it are
new laws allowing our own government to torture us in foreign countries
and hold secret trials in star chambers with no right to habeus corpus, 
confrontation of witnesses, statements of charges, no jury,  admissability]
of illegal and hearsay 'evidence'...just like the German 'enabling acts' of 
1934 under the third reich.
    We then lost the rights to produce our own stuff that we invented when Al 
Gore passed the DMCA back in the nineties to 'put us in the digital highway'.  
Even if we tried to start factories to produce televisions, for example, much 
of this product is tied up as so called 'intellectual property' and those 
ideas are 'owned' by foreigners.  We would be put out of business by our own 
police.     Little did we know in those prosperous times that those laws 
concieved in naivete would come back to haunt us, forcing us to become
vagrants and bindlestiffs on the 'digital highway' to free trade slavery.

Standing Bear

Sadly Richard is absolutely right.  We are throwing away our discoveries to
foreigners, and stifling our ingenuity through throttling higher education
opportunities to any but the rich and/or well connected.  This means less
likelyhood of our recovery even when we do come to our senses.  What
does it say about a society when the largest section of the yellow pages of
any town's directory is 'attornies'?

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