On 11/8/06, Stephen A. Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Since this particular scheme currently works only in the radar range, we
need to look at how radar works -- it doesn't see silhouettes, and
what's more it doesn't use ambient radiation.  Rather, it shines a
"flashlight beam" on the target and looks at the reflected radiation.
So, "black paint" -- (part of) Stealth bomber technology -- works just
as well as active invisibility when dealing with radar.  The other part
of Stealth bomber technology, which is (apparently!) to bounce the
radiation off in just a few random directions which _usually_ won't
include the radar receiver on the ground (hence hard edges and flat
planes, rather than smooth curves which would reflect
omnidirectionally), works because there isn't any ambient radar
radiation to speak of.

This is disinformation. The Stealth comes from the minimized bow shock
which can be detected on radar. Don't propagate deception.


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