R Stiffler wrote:
 Carbon resistors generate more thermal voltage
noise than Metal film resistors....

This is not really true. We may divide the noise sources in Carbon composition resistors into two types:

1) True "Thermal noise" (also called "Johnson" or "Nyquist" noise) which "is the noise generated by the thermal agitation of the charge carriers (the electrons) inside an electrical conductor in equilibrium, which happens regardless of any applied voltage." (From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_noise). This noise source is absolutely fundamental and is completely unvarying regardless of type of resistor, and its power sourcing capability is completely unvarying regardless of value of resistance, number in parallel/series, size, etc. It is simply 4kT watts per Hz of bandwidth. (The bandwidth presumably goes up to some very high limit determined by the mean free path of the electrons being scattered in the resistive conductor).

2) Excess noise (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flicker_noise) - which is generated by current passing through the resistor and may well be due to thermal (or thermally induced microphonic) effects, but is not rightly referred to as thermal noise (at least amongst physicists). It is readily overcome with better technology. The excess noise present in a carbon composition resistor is produced by random effects driven by the power fed in and will only be a very small fraction of this applied power - ie very far from overunity!

With regard to Johnson noise, if you short or open the resistor, then the entire 4kT watts generated is simply dissipated back into the sourcing resistor as heat and there is no net power flow. If you load it with a matched resistance then you can draw off half of this power, but if the resistor you load it with is at the same temperature, then it also generates this same power back in the first resistor and again there is no net power flow.

Coupling to it via a transformer is no different to using a different value of resistor as the source - the voltage to current ratio changes but the power available remains constant. Similarly connecting many such resistors in series or parallel simply changes the impedance (or voltage to current ratio) without changing the available power.

A diode is not of course a very good switch and has a gently changing V/I slope (ie impedance) near zero bias. Thus it must also generate Johnson noise by the same mechanism (whenever there is a path for electrical power to be dissipated as heat, then there is the reverse path in which the heat bath can generate electrical power - this is called the "fluctuation dissipation theorem" in physics). Presumably this noise power source/sink will vary slightly in impedance with the voltage/current fluctuations - but I am sure nature will have organised it such that no configuration you can dream up will allow net power to be generated from thermal energy!

If a cold resistor and a hot resistor are connected through electrically conducting wires which are perfectly thermally isolating (if such things existed), then thermal energy will flow electrically from the hot resistor to the cold resistor until they become the same temperature. However this is no more exciting (and much slower) than simply providing a thermal conduction path.

What is more interesting is that you can synthesize a "cold" resistor from a low-noise op-amp and room temperature resistors and actually "chill" a remote warm resistor (or more usefully a mechanical system coupled through a transducer) electrically. This is called "cold damping". Of course the power to refrigerate or pump heat from the warm system to the synthesised cold one is coming from the op-amp power supply. With modern op-amps you can synthesise a resistor with a temperature of less than 1 Kelvin! (if I remember rightly).

Preface: Radiation resistance generates no thermal

I would guess that the best you could do with any antenna pointing into deep space would be to pick up the 2.7 K microwave background - which would probably be indistinguishable from 2.7K thermal noise being generated in the radiation resistance seen via the antenna.

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