Paul wrote:
I really don't see it that way. The carbon resistor is
made of atoms containing charged particles. The noise
is relative to the temperature of the charged

Neither do I.  I was trying to illustrate that
assigning the noise source to the radiation
resistance itself or some other thing such as
the E-M radiation that is bouncing around in it,
is similar to trying to separate the resistance
of the conductive paths in a resistor from the
electrons that are bouncing along them.

We don't know what the aether is made of, but we
do know that it supports electromagnetic waves
and fluctuations.  The spectrum of these
fluctuations can be used to assign it a black
body temperature.  The temperature of deepest
darkest space determined by this spectrum comes
out around 2.7K.  If the same measurement was
done in a lab it would indicate an "aether
black body temperature" of ~300K.  If you attempt
to couple to this aether with an antenna, then
this radiation temperature will comes in through
your antenna and the radiation resistance seen by
the circuit looks identical to a ~300K warm

Why are you interject flicker noise with this example?
It's thermal noise.

I have tried several times to educate you to the
fact that the extra (or excess) noise found in
carbon resistors is _not_ true thermal noise but
is produced by DC current passing through the
resistor.  Why don't you read the wiki for yourself?
Here is what it says:

"Flicker noise is found in carbon composition
resistors, where it is referred to as excess noise,
since it increases the overall noise level above
the thermal noise level, which is present in all
resistors. In contrast, wire-wound resistors have
the least amount of flicker noise. Since flicker
noise is related to the level of DC, if the current
is kept low, thermal noise will be the predominant
effect in the resistor, and the type of resistor
used will not affect noise levels."

Please note the last phrase: "the type of resistor
used will not affect the noise levels".  Maybe you
wish to disagree with common experimental knowledge?
If so you should provide some reference for your as
yet baseless assertion.

If you are right, then it would be true that you
could beat the 2nd law!  But you wouldn't need an
antenna - simply connecting two resistors with
different thermal noise generation levels
electrically would be sufficient to create a
temperature difference between them in an otherwise
uniform ambient.

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