In reply to  Frederick Sparber's message of Fri, 15 Dec 2006 07:04:06 -0700:
Hi Fred,
>" The problem with the amount of energy per gram of radioactive material 
>implied by the 1989 Peripheral Systems Annual Report is on page 4.  It 
>says that 70 watts of electricity was produced from 1 gram of strontium-90 
>and 50,000 watts from 2 lbs of stuff (55 watts/gram).  This is far above 
>the amount of energy available in the radiation.  Here are my calculations 
>which have been checked by 3 different Nuclear engineers (two point out 
>that I should really use only 0.535 Mev/decay since the energy in a 
>neutrino can not be used, but even with this generosity Brown is way off): 
>Specific activity of Sr-90: 139 curies/gram 
>Curie:                      3.7e10 decays/sec 
>Max energy per decay:       2.8 MeV/decay 
>Energy equality:            1 MeV = 1.6e-13 joules 
>Power:                      1 joule/sec = 1 watt 
>A good source for the above is "CRC - Handbook for Radioactive Nuclides" 

While it's possible that it was all a fraud, or a mistake, it's also possible
that Brown had a means of accelerating nuclear decay which he improperly
understood, and therefore couldn't engineer into a commercial product.

Robin van Spaandonk

Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

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