Harry Veeder wrote:

...or Star Trek style replicators to make any kind of food you want.

In the far distant future -- thousands of years from now -- I expect that something like replicators will exist, and they will make anything we want. Any object, not just food. However, I am talking about the present day, and the near future. Food factories exist already in Japan. Fish aquaculture exists, and it produces a significant fraction of sea food. In vitro production of meat may be perfected in the next few years.

If in vitro or "cultured" meat pans out, and the product tastes about as good as natural meat, or better, that I for one would be happy to eat nonaturally grown meat ever again. I am not a vegetarian, but I sympathize with their concerns. I am a hypocrite about this. So as Arthur C. Clarke. For decades, he has been saying that meat production is cruel, but I know for a fact that he loves to eat meat.

- Jed

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