Paul wrote:
Hello Stephen,

IMHO this is an interesting topic.

I won't argue with that!

If you're ever in a room full of physicists and you want to start an argument, ask if magnetic fields ever "do work". Then, after you've gotten a few of them to say, loudly, "No, never!", ask what "does the work" when an electron (with its permanent dipole) moves in a magnetic field.

So far I've found just one real physicist who actually came right out and said "Yes, the magnetic field does "do work"". OTOH I've run across statements by a (different) well known physicist that made just about zero sense in this area (I won't mention his name; he's a good guy even if he did miss the dock by a few feet on this question), and I've run across textbook sections and articles on this topic that were completely off the wall. There is a lot of misinformation floating around.

Anyhow I've about shot my bolt on this. I did some very simple analysis on the problem a while back using magnetostatics. That was enough to convince me to keep a tight grip on my wallet when someone claims they have an OU magnetic motor, but it was far from rigorous. I'm certainly no expert, and I don't even pretend to understand quantum mechanics.

[ ... ]

 >>  So you need to ask yourself where that energy
 >> comes from.
 > I'm well aware of that.

Good, then you do acknowledge there is *real work*
being done while two magnetic dipole moments rotate toward alignment.

Absolutely!  The "magnetic fields do no work" mantra fails.  It is false.

 > But you might just as well say, where does the
 > energy "come from" when something falls off a

There is a big difference?  In the magnet example
there's a way of replicating the magnetic dipole moment by using an air coil. IOW, we have technology that generates magnetic fields. We know it requires energy to create a magnetic field. We know it requires energy when two coils accelerate toward each other due to their own attraction-- essentially two magnetic fields overlapping to some

It appears that in terms of accounting for the energy, one must treat permanent magnetic fields and fields from currents differently. The permanent ones are just a "given" -- they may or may not contain energy but if they do, we can't get it out. The ones associated with currents are a different story; we pump energy in when they're formed and we get it back out when they collapse.

As far as something falling from a table ... I'm not aware of gravity field generating device to measure the consumed energy. If there was such an electro-gravity device then we could measure the consumed power from the source while some mass (object) is accelerating toward the device. :-) Perhaps it would or would not consume energy from the

 > In the case of a permanent dipole in a permanent B
field, the energy was
 > apparently there all along, in the form of the
-mu*B potential energy
 > function.

Again that's not the point!  Energy may be in
different forms, but energy is energy regardless if it is potential or kinetic energy. Point being that energy is *indeed* being added to kinetic and field energy, but we cannot point to any source and say, "Yeah, that's where it is definitely coming from." We can assume it comes from within the electron or whatever is attached to the electron. For all we know there could be some unknown higher dimensional aspect to reality-- a sea of unknown energy that sustains elementary particles, perhaps akin to how the ocean may sustain a hurricane. I want to know from where that energy comes from. Where is that

:-)  I have no idea.

I don't know what causes the field of a permanent dipole, either.

I can write a potential function for its behavior in the field of a permanent magnet, and that convinces me that a permanent magnet motor can't be OU. But I can't tell you where the energy is before the magnet starts to move.

I also can't answer this one: If two permanent magnets accelerate toward each other, does the gravitational field of the system increase as a result? (Hmmm, maybe I'll post that to sci.physics.relativity -- should be good for a few confused responses, anyway...)

 > If you want to ask more than that, then you're
asking why the
 > electron's B field is quantized,

I wouldn't go so far as to say that, but
understandably that's a QM thing. I very much question many QM concepts such as the so-called photon. On one of my lists is a relatively simple radio frequency experiment to see if
the sub-photon exists.

 > and why its spin can't "slow down",

Ahh, now we talking.  I've asked many QM physicists if
spin may slow down. Some don't know how to answer such a question. Most say "No." The more honest ones say they don't know and encourage a test to verify.

As far as I know, according to current theory it can't slow down. It can't speed up, either. It has just one speed. In fact it seems kind of inaccurate to call it "spin" at all, but that's just my opinion and I already admitted I don't understand quantum mechanics.

Another option I've tossed around is perhaps ZPE or
some unknown sea of energy.

Another option is perhaps there's a decrease in
electron velocity. The electron must always be in motion, correct? Therefore, there's
always room for the electron to slow down.

I don't think so. The linear motion of the electron is not at issue; its dipole, which is providing the energy here, is due entirely to its "spin".

Paul Lowrance

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