I just posted another picture of the free secondary end of the transformer.
Remember the secondary has a free end and this is the one shown with the


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stiffler Scientific [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2007 10:44 AM
> To: Vortex
> Subject: [Vo]: Circuit cries foul
> Years ago there was buzz on the news groups about Avramenko's Plug and
> proposed method of single wire transmission. During the period I did some
> experiments with the Plug and HV driving Xeons etc., yet found it to be
> going no where and JLN, Stefan Hartmann and Frolov got involved. JLN did a
> demo which is still on his site that showed a single wire system driving a
> Xeon light.
> A couple of months ago something strange showed up in work on a different
> system which took me back to the Plug. What has evolved is a very nice
> circuit that 'Cries Foul' because it can not work, but it does
> and does not
> have to be floated above ground like the JLN demo was. But the
> energy output
> side of the circuit does have to be free of any earth or circuit
> connection.
> Here are some specs so you all can get a big laugh :-)
> Power input 12VDC at 70mA, now this is close to real as it is
> determined by
> a scope integrating at 40MHz. The driver is a MOSFET driven by a 3.5Vpp
> square wave. The charge capacitor is a 220uf/200V switched into a 120V/7W
> lamp by a neon bulb relaxation oscillator. Works fine and is
> stable so long
> as you connect nothing to the output section (test leads etc) that is why
> the neon is used as a trigger.
> This is NOT an OU device :-(, it is an energy conversion device. Now where
> does the excess come from? Well thats a good question because
> only a certain
> ferrite core will allow the device to work, even if similar circuit
> conditions are met with different cores and coils. Yes for those
> that know,
> the frequency is critical, but not like one would think, a increase in
> frequency does not increase power as determined by Frolov.
> I placed a labeled picture at www.stifflerscientific.com/images/avtrig.jpg
> I have brought this to the vorts only as an example of how people
> could get
> false excitment :-)

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