Michel Jullian wrote:
> so it seems only the second and third way of looking at things (potential energy and work of forces) are equivalent in all cases.


Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
> Michel Jullian wrote:
>> Paul, Paul, Paul you missed my point again, never mind :)
>> To go back to your pet theory, since as you said the formulae for
>> field energy and potential energy are the same, there are in fact at
>> least three equivalent ways to describe the same thing: field energy,
>> or potential energy, or work done by the forces.
> A minor nit to pick: Potential and field energy may be interchangeable for electric fields, but apparently not for magnetic fields. Permanent magnetic dipoles have potential energy = -mu.B which is not tracked by the total field energy. Case in point: If the field of one dipole has energy E, then the fields of two widely separated dipoles have total energy 2E. Let them pull themselves together until they touch end to end -- the potential energy drops, but the total field energy increases, to about 4E, as the two fields overlap almost exactly. (The energy density goes as field intensity squared, so halving the volume while doubling the intensity yields a net energy increase of 2x).

Exactly, and hence the main point of this thread. This was discussed early on in the thread, but was derailed by face saving attempts. :-( Two electro-magnets or current-loops demonstrate where the energy comes from.

> So if we include permanent magnets in the picture, it's going to be awkward to replace PE with field energy everywhere. I think this may be what led Paul to assert that nobody knows where the energy comes from in this case.

Amen! Two attracted current-loops moving toward each other induce an opposing voltage on the current-loops, which removes energy from the source that maintains the current. Here's the theory -->

It requires energy to create an electron and positron. Therefore we know the electron contains energy. Energy is moving from the electron to KE with an increase in net magnetic field as two attracted magnetic dipole moments accelerate toward each other. I firmly believe such energy comes from the electron. This is simply moving energy. This also works in the case E-fields or even gravity fields. Two attracted opposite charges accelerating toward each other gain KE. Such KE comes from the E-field-- the net E-field decreases as they move closer. Similarly, two oppositely charged particles require energy when forced together. Such energy goes into a net increase in E-field.

Here's another interesting aspect of the theory. Consider an electron and positron accelerating toward each other. The net E-fields decrease as they approach, thereby adding KE. Furthermore, the magnetic dipole moments of both particles tend to align on average. We know that when two current-loops (magnetic dipole moments) move toward each other in alignment that energy is moving from the current source to KE. Similarly, I believe energy is moving from the two particles to KE and radiation as they move toward each other in alignment. Interestingly enough the two particles are considered annihilated when they reach certain proximity. It seems likely energy is being drained from the two particles as they move toward each other until such a point they become unstable, in which the two particles disrupt their internal structures.

Given the above, it appears energy is removed from the electron as it accelerates. Also energy is added to the electron as it decelerates. This lead to other thoughts such as perhaps what would happen if we accelerate the electron to c. This could possibly drain the electron. Initially I thought this could annihilate the electron, but now I question if anything would happen to such electron. Such acceleration may not change the internal structure of the electron. Therefore, the electron could simply slow down and remain intact. It appears it requires another particle to drain and disrupt the internal electron structure.

Paul Lowrance

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