Jed Rothwell wrote..

but that is a political problem, not scientific.

Howdy Jed,

A keen insight you have. Things happen in the world that most attribute to 
conspiracy when they should be blamed on attitude. Given an opportunity, laws 
of human nature demand actions be met with inaction of leadership. Machavelli 
wrote the book on actions and resultants. 
There is actually a relationship between how you described F&P reactions and 
the border agents articles in the below link. It's total absolute incompetence 
of our government at nearly every level, Homeland Defense ( FEMA) being the 
prime example. The simple fact is that leaders in government are incapable of 
planning anything that would work.. good or bad. Whatever happens.. simple 
happens and all the machinery is designed for is to cover tracks. One of the 
largest jobs categories is become.. "spokesperson"


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