Jed sez:


> In short, wind energy is not negligible, but it will have to grow
> much faster to have a significant impact in time to affect global
> warming. There is no reason why it should not go more quickly. The
> presently installed wind capacity cost $23 billion. In an
> unrealistically expensive linear extrapolation, assuming we expand
> present wind capacity by a factor of 20 with current technology, it
> would cost $460 billion. This is roughly comparable to the cost of
> the war in Iraq, which is presently $364 billion and is expected to
> reach roughly $2 trillion (for the U.S.) by the time all disabled
> veterans die.

Quite an eye opener.

We can continue spend hundreds of billions of dollars meddling in the
affairs of oil rich countries, most that hate our guts (sometimes with
justification) to secure energy resources - all in the name of national self


We can spend the same hundreds of billions of dollars focusing on an equally
difficult task of developing alternative energy resources - all in the name
of national self interest.

Why is it so difficult to chose! Makes me wanna cry.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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