Looks like you were going for an artistic/ecosystem approach.

Have you considered using just the tapered cone for energy experimentation? Richard M. will be pleased with the nice tight helical channel in the cone, no doubt using less HP than he is using in his super-size-it water purifier.

Google video has a lot of neat stuff under the "vortex" subject, but many of these vids try to blend-in too much cultish philosophy and alien-hocus-pocus for my taste... although admittedly the vortex itself, being a natural energy phenomenon (tornadoes, hurricanes) is a natural focal point for the merger of art, science and religion.

We used to have an obsessive poster on Vo (should I say "another" obsessive poster) who kept haranguing the group with a constant flow of Viktor Schauberger proposals- so the meme behind all of this fascination must be something akin to a computer "virus" <g> right, Richard?

For those interested in pursuing a practical low-energy-input chemical vortex-based reactor, check out the double "V" impeller which is shown about 30-40% through this video.

With something similar to the the double inverted V impeller [which can be easily made for much less$ than this company would like to charge you] one can make a single shaft mixer unit which serves double-duty by entraining lots of air into water, for instance.

Why would anyone want that, you ask?

Without giving out too much proprietary information, let's just say that [using biomimicry as a teacher] - and using raw materials consisting of air, water and a colloidal catalyst, but without heat input above ambient, and with two other low-energy features, a similar setup will allow the high volume [and very inexpensive manufacture] of a fairly potent monopropellant "fuel".

The lower impeller will keep a colloidal catalyst, such as a metal oxide, from agglomerating, and the upper impeller will force in the maximum amount of oxygen, so that you can continually make the product for an out-of-pocket cost of less than ~2 kWhr per gallon (45% enrichment). That is, if recurring bugs can be worked out.

The trick is to remove the product continually in a dilute form, and enrich it in an adjoining vortex cascade -- as the catalyst being used is "two-way" and will function counter-productively over an equilibrium level.

Ah... the multi-layered beauty of the vortex. Yes. I think that there is "something" almost genetically appealing in the nature of the generalized vortex-meme, including the newsgroup itself, which tends to bring out latent obsessive tendencies.

Is that because DNA-helix is so similar? Or maybe, in the tradition of Vonnegut's strange take on life, it is because "water" is the ultimate source of intelligence in the universe and is just using so-called "life" as a vehicle for transportation?


Speaking of Strange Weather, smart-water, whether people should be allowed to smoke at home, and vanity face-creams:

David Thomson wrote:
I had said I would make a video of my water vortex generator and have been
putting it off.  This morning I remembered I had made a video record for my
self.  It has plenty of good footage in it to show that the vortex is
strictly a downward flow in the center, as evidenced by the air bubbles
being dragged down.

I hope you like Creedence.  If you don't, just turn down the volume.  There
is no narrative as this was intended for my own personal enjoyment.



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