In reply to  Harry Veeder's message of Sun, 11 Feb 2007 21:29:09 -0500:
>> of hydrocarbons. At least until we conquer anti-gravity, at which point they
>> will also be replaced, because AG craft can be powered from an electrical
>> source, which in turn can be derived from CF. Of course something like a
>> NERVA/jet engine cross, where the power is supplied by CF might also 
>> eliminate
>> hydrocarbon consumption in jets.
>> Regards,
>> Robin van Spaandonk
>There something called magneto-hydrodynamic propulsion for submarines.
>Is that similiar to this NERVA/jet engine?

Not that I am aware of. Magneto-hydrodynamic propulsion makes use of crossed
electric and magnetic fields to propel semi-conductive sea water through a tube.
AFAIK it is very energy intensive, and not very powerful or efficient.
NERVA is a nuclear powered rocket concept, where a nuclear reactor is used to
provide heat to heat up hydrogen (I think). Ed, please verify/clarify as
required. A cross between NERVA and a jet engine would heat air instead of
Hydrogen. CF would replace the fission power source.


Robin van Spaandonk

Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

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