"The greater the doubt, the greater the awakening; the smaller the
doubt, the smaller the 

 awakening. No doubt, no awakening."    ---Zen master Po Shan, in
regards the "doubt sensation"

Had a "visit" from Alan Watts yesterday ... as happens on many Sundays - 
especially to receptive and contemplative hikers on the trails around his 
beloved and cloud-hidden shrine - Mt Tam. 


Without getting too far off-topic and opening another can-of "holier-than-thou" 
worms from various true-believers, there is this underlying connection (albeit 
strained to some observers) between spirituality, as experienced from a 
scientific perspective, and the science behind and the quest for finding "free 
energy", which BTW is often called a "holy grail". And no, Terry, this goes way 
beyond Watts and Amperes... as the clever EE is sure to quip. The premise of 
this interconnection is in found in quantum mechanics - and specifically in the 
alteration of "probability" of QM interactions, and of so-called 'randomness' 
changing into a 'stochastic process.' 

It has been the contention of many of the more insightful observers of LERN 
(cold fusion) that the phenomena is basically an enhanced QM effect, a type of 
quasi-BEC in which the "time" constraint, which would normally make the fusion 
reaction of deuterium of extremely low probability - has been warped somehow by 
the parameters of "nano-confinement" (loaded metal matrix simulating a BEC) 
leading to both to an increased rate of reaction - but equally importantly 
leading to a profound difference in how the energy is transduced.  IOW - by 
speeding up the rate of reaction from QM time-rarity, symmetry is maintained by 
a correspondingly slow "dump" of excess energy, in which time is stretched out 
enormously so that it occurs gradually in 'phonons' - instead of suddenly in 
photons.  As an alternative analogy of "self-ordering" in LENR, there is also 
the connection to the BEC on which much has been written.

Here is more on the strained sci-phi connection (science & philosopy this 
time), with 'strain' becoming an operative word - on many levels.

Alan Watts died a decade before science (in the personage of James Glick) began 
to get a handle on what he was trying to convey. But there is one word which 
epitomizes everything. And this analogy of science-based spirituality emerging 
from the clouds of mysticism is a perspective best seen from "high places" aka 
the literal perspective of El Shaddai - in that that the vast surrounding 
lowlands always seem to have a derivative higher "focus" (or else by definition 
they are not low).

*Emergence* - is the word. This one idea could be the most important 
generalized concept in all of human understanding! And this is especially true 
for any scientist trying to grasp his inner "need" for spirituality in a 
society where bigotry is so extraordinarily entrenched (in the anti-science 
mentality of organized religion). And perhaps equally true for the 
fringe-scientist trying to grasp what experimental parameters can accelerate QM 
probability to such a degree - but in a world ruled by another kind of bigoted 
mainstream establishment.

The fact that so few observers are able to grasp all of the implications and 
nuances of this term "emergence" is only indicative of how little genuine 
understanding is 'out-there' even among educated observers. Before the advent 
of "Chaos science"  popularized in James Glick's seminal book "Chaos" (1987) - 
that is - this concept of *emergence* was just another arcane philosophical 
term. of passing relevance.

Nowadays in all aspects of science: including biology, computer science, 
science of philosophy, systems theory, even political science and religion 
--"emergence"-- has become the key way of understanding the development of 
organized systems. But underlying it all is a "moral" dilemma - in htat simple 
"addition" or the additive processes, will find a way to self-organize... and 
yet this duality is the epitome of the moral conflict within the hedonism of 
"more is better" set against the elegance of Ockham's razor simplicity. 
Built-in strain.

As many observers now appreciate -- in honing down this conflicting duality: 
"more" is NEVER better unless it portends "emergence," and yet, in the context 
of complex systems, "more" almost always portends "emergence" given adequate 
time. "Time" (or lack thereof) now becomes the great deceiver - the nexus of 
evil if we wish to cast it into the notion of bifurcation of moral forces.

This is not a blanket invitation to "super-size-it" at McDonald's however.... 
And speaking of religion, until one understands how the concept of divinity is 
itself an emergent property of the "hunting pack" imperative in baseline human 
mentality, and the biochemical chemicals which give us that mental imperative, 
then it is impossible to move beyond the glib notion that "faith" is always the 
primary necessity of belief.

Emergence refers to "the arising of novel and coherent
structures, patterns and properties during the process of
self-organization in complex systems." In Jeffrey Goldstein's rewording of 
Glick - the common characteristics are:

(1) Radical Novelty  - the new feature was not previously observed in the 
underlying systems
(2) Underlying "dynamical processes" which self-organize
coherence or correlation - meaning that the "integrated whole" will emerge from 
similar systems under widely divergent circumstances (monotheism in Judaism, 
Islam and Christianity)
(4) The property of  "wholeness"  being simplicity deriving out of complexuity
(5) Goldstein throws in the idea of  "downward causation" which has interesting 

To close out this "thinking aloud" soliloquy in a rather profoundly complicated 
way- consider the HMC - which is perhaps a correlate to Grimer's hierarchic 
aether model: "Hierarchic model of consciousness: from molecular Bose
condensation to synaptic reorganization" by Alex Kaivarainen


...or maybe that hierarchic 'climb' is best delayed till the next hike up Mt. 
Tam and a flash of Watts from on high, so to speak.


BTW - in case the 'strained connection' to LENR was not well-made above (it 
wasn't) and to link it to the Kaivarainen paper - suffice it to say that 'cold 
fusion'  may well involve a hierarchic model of "small scale reordering" 
deriving from molecular Bose quasi-condensation (deuterium in a matrix) to the 
nuclear reorganization of 2D--> He.   

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