BlankHowdy Vorts,

Many major resources and plant facilities already exist in the USA..

Coal fired power plants
Water filtration plants
Wastewater treatment plants

A single huge wastewater treatment plant alone is the opposite of an algae 
factory by design. Change the process and the plant becomes an energy transfer 
reservoir. The primary purpose of removing solids and disinfecting the water 

Won't happen.. WHY? Because the mentality must first change and it won't happen 
in this generation because of the underlying inertia of public leadership and 
an intrinsic objection to anything other than habit. the internet may force the 
next generation of politico and municipal servant( bureaucrat) into morphing 
toward a sense of responsibility to citizens but only by having a free internet.

What we should be on guard over is the subtle encroachment of big Guv'mt into 
the internet under the gusie of " protecting" the public from the harm. Google 
video is forcing a response by Gov'mts to act because they are being exposed.


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