FWIW here is a half baked idea I already talked about privately with some 
people here and elsewhere, with mixed feedback.

Cold fusion, bubble fusion and new energy at large would undoubtedly benefit 
from any measure helping the valid claims to emerge out of the erroneous 

Such a useful measure IMHO would be a universally recognized reference lab for 
energy efficiency measurements, manned by highly skilled people collectively 
competent in _all_ types of energy measurements and calculations, more so than 
any individual experimenter can be expected to be.

Such a "COP cop" would host the experimenters and their experiments for as long 
as poor reproducibility would make it necessary, and would verify the claims 
without any preconceived idea. It would use appropriate and rigorous protocols, 
with the help and participation of the experimenters and the skeptics alike to 
guarantee objectivity. Ideally it would be publicly funded, by the UN maybe 
since it would be of interest to mankind at large.

Totally utopic, or workable with a bit more baking? Your thoughts welcome.

(*) More expressive terms may come to mind, pick yours among the following 
picturesque collection (obtained from an online dictionary by clicking 
"synonyms" on successive words, starting from "hogwash") which I found so 
hilarious once put together that I simply couldn't resist sharing it with the 
group, my apologies for such childishness and for any omission:

apple souce; balderdash; baloney; bilge; bilgewater; blah; bosh; bosh; bull; 
bullshit; buncombe; bunk; bunkum; caput mortuum (???); cheeseparings; clinker; 
crap; dandruff; dishwater; ditchwater; dogshit; draff; exuviae; fandangle; 
fecula; fiddle-faddle; fiddlesticks; flubdub; flummery; fur; furfur; gaff; 
garbage; gibberish; glop; guff; hogwash; hooey; horseshit; humbug; jabberwocky; 
kitchen stuff; malarkey; moonshine; morphea; muck; nonsense; off scum; 
offscourings; outscourings; piffle; pig swill; pig's wash; pigwash; poppycock; 
punk; residuum; rinsings; rot; rubbish; scurf; scurfiness; shit; shucks; slab; 
slop; slops; sprue; stuff; stuff and nonsense; sweepings; swill; swillings; 
taradiddle; tartar; tomfoolery; tommy rot; tosh; trash; twaddle; useless 
refuse; wash; wash dish water

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