Actually I have material on ocean fertilization, including iron, going back to 1978 or so. Co-evolution quarterly had a design for a green ship that delivered both fertilizer and a seed stock of algy and fish fingerling. This combination gives you much more ecological control. I'll see if I can find it; though my kid brother has just moved in and the storage situation here has become chaotic.

Jones Beene wrote:

Well, that sound-byte is a bit disingenuous, as Russ has "borrowed" the (unpatented) idea and experimental results of the late John Martin, who was less optimistic about the outcome ... JM was former director of:

... and one assumes (hopes) that George would give credit to Martin at some point in the process ... whether Martin's estate would win or share in the prize is unclear. I think some of the personnel from Martin's Moss Landing team are the same in any event.

Martin's issued a caution regarding Global Warming consequences. Before getting too enamored with the implications of those successful iron fertilization experiments - which have been in the public record for 16 years - one must face several caveats.

Though iron fertilization may be one of several effective method of lessening the impact of global warming by increasing algae growth, and CO2 uptake, the scientific evidence is incomplete and suggests there may be unintended consequences, especially at the scale necessary for global change. Of course if the Algae were harvested as an oil substitute - then that would probably help immensely, but just growing it without harvesting as R George is proposing - is not sufficient.

Methane BTW is a far more worrisome threat than CO2, being twenty times more potent as a greenhouse gas and the Arctic (vast areas of Siberia Canada, Alaska) is now releasing much more of it than anyone ever thought possible - so perhaps that gas should be addressed first - big prize or not.

Jed Rothwell wrote:

Russ sez he can sequester carbon. Here is a direct link to the vid, from Tom Valone:

- Jed

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