Ok, so this then was a lot worse, as they said nothing larger than a phone

On 2/20/07, Jed Rothwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

John Berry wrote:

>Show me a single plane crash where 1: There is nothing of any size
>left and not even a lot of what is left 2: Despite 1, there is a
>hole in the ground.

I will show you two, both well known and well documented:

1. The second Lockheed Electra crash, 1960, which produced a hole
with nothing but fragments in it.

2. The DC10 crash in 1974, in France. Lots of small fragments,
characteristic of a high-speed impact. Quote: "I have seen many
aircraft impacts. I have seen some aircraft torn up as much as this
one, but I must say I have never seen any airplane torn up as much as
this over such a large area. The pieces were extremely small, very
fragmented, and it was scattered over an area half a mile long by 120
yards or so wide." Charles Miller, Director of Aviation Safety, NTSB.
Photos bear this out. It looks like a large pile of junk with few
pieces larger than a person. Regarding the people, there were 346 on
board. Six were sucked out of airplane before the crash, when the
door flew off. 34 others were more or less in one piece. The others
were shredded into approximately 18,000 fragments. (P. Eddy, et al.,
"Destination Disaster," NYT Books, p. 248)

- Jed

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