On 2/20/07, Jed Rothwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 John Berry wrote:

Ok, then  explain. Why did they get rid of the bomb sniffing dogs after
the mysterious powerdown?

No one can explain every damn urban myth

By saying this documented fact is an urban myth, you utterly demolished it.
It just took applying this tag.
No need for intelligent debate if you can say 'urban myth'.

Cold Fusion?  No one can explain every damn urban myth!
Hey, it works!

No, wait, let's look at the last part, 'no one can explain'.
hmm, well if you start this with the pretext that it isn't even conceivable
that the Government did it I agree.
But if you keep that possibility and don't rule it out due to emotionalism
it is very well explained.

that pops out the minds of confused people.

They are confused because they are willing to consider the possibility (it
is a possibility is it not?) that members in the Government pulled off 911?

It seems you that are confused as you simply can't explain this fact, only
hope that people will dismiss it by saying 'Urban Myth'

You should explain to me why Toyota runs their factory fork lifts on cold
fusion, yet they refuse to sell it to the world.

I think must be joking?
If not then besides the fact that it's just not ready for release, how about
oil companies, do you not believe they killed the electric car?

I will tell you the answer to the latter: They have no such fork lifts.

And your point is?

Toyota never developed cold fusion. They abandoned the research and kicked
out Fleischmann and Pons, then for good measure they broke into
Fleischmann's house and stole his information. Does that mean there is a
lurid conspiracy to suppress cold fusion? Is this not an example of your
worst conspiracy-theory come to life?

No, this is just plain ordinary garden-variety stupidity. I have met the
decision makers at Toyota and in the Japanese government who did this.
Martin Fleischmann is well acquainted with them and I discussed the matter
with him and others over many hours. I know what these leaders say, and what
they are thinking. They think that cold fusion does not exist. They put more
stock in idiotic statements by Time magazine reporters than in scientific
evidence produced by their own researchers. These are profoundly stupid and
dysfunctional people but unfortunately such people are often in charge of
large, influential organizations, such as governments and major
corporations. That is the usual reason why terrible things happen -- not
because of arcane conspiracies, or smart people plotting, but *because
people are often catastrophically stupid and incompetent.* And also
small-minded and malicious, and when you combine stupidity with
maliciousness, disaster awaits. Read the book "The March of Folly" for
details. That may sound less romantic and exciting than the notion that
people are engaged in some kind of arcane thriller novel-style conspiracy,
but it is how life really works.

No doubt what you are saying is true in part.
But are you saying that these people don't do evil things?

Are you seriously saying that?

Back to the point.

There are multiple anomalies and you can't begin to answer them, here have
another try.

Why is a distinct flash seen just before the planes hit each building, and
all videos?

All you can do is ignore, because it just can't be true!

Here is a simple question as i know you can't answer the one above.

What would it take for you to accept that 911 was an inside job?

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