In reply to  Jed Rothwell's message of Tue, 20 Feb 2007 18:11:55 -0500:
>Terry Blanton wrote:
>>>Could this provide a possible explanation for why Iran may actually be
>>>interested in a civilian nuclear power generation capability?
>>A 50 MW heavy water reactor??
>Ah. Is that what they want to build? Google describes it:
>"New satellite imagery obtained by ISIS from Space Imaging and 
>DigitalGlobe supports the Iranian statement and other statements of 
>unnamed sources that, "Iran has laid the foundations for the research 
>reactor at Arak," as reported by Reuters on March 3, 2005.  . . . The 
>Europeans have offered to replace the heavy water reactor with a 
>light water research reactor that would be more proliferation resistant."
>I thought they wanted a conventional power reactor, which, as I said, 
>makes sense even though they have lots of natural gas. A 50 MW unit 
>has nothing to do with energy generation, as Terry points out.
>- Jed
AFAIK Iran is building several reactors. The big power reactor (approx. 1 GW) is
at Bushehr see (


Robin van Spaandonk

Competition (capitalism) provides the motivation,
Cooperation (communism) provides the means.

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