Tape this tonight, folks; it may never be shown again.


09:00 PM Best Evidence Chemical Contrails
01:00 AM Best Evidence Chemical Contrails
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 16:41:58 -0500
Subject: Discovery Channel Special on Chemtrails Feb.22 9:00 PM

Discovery Channel Special on Chemtrails Feb.22 9:00 PM 

Discovery Channel ! 
(FINALLY !!!) 

On Air (et/pt): FEB 22 2007 @ 09:00 PM
FEB 23 2007 @ 01:00 AM
MAR 04 2007 @ 04:00 PM 

Chemical Contrails 

( This presentation May include some video I shot here in
Miami and gave to Will Thomas Canadian Chemtrail researcher
interviewed in this Discovery Channel presentation on
Chemtrails )

Don't miss this upcoming Discovery Channel Special on "Chemical
Contrails" After more than eight years of controversy and
censorship, the Discovery Channel is set to bring "chemtrails"
into living rooms across North America at 9 PM, February
22nd, 2007.

The producers ask:

"What is in those fuel emissions, and what causes them to linger
for hours and link up with one another like a ghostly blanket
that seems to affect the weather and perhaps our health?"

Are lingering jet trails seen by millions of people "potentially
toxic 'chemical trails' emitted intentionally as part of secret
geo-engineering experiments or weather-weaponization tests?"

To answer these questions, "Best Evidence" has spent months
asking "experts and passionate observers on both sides"
to present their best evidence exposing decades of weather
modification experiments.

Featuring an extended conversation with original chemtrails
investigator William Thomas, as well as many other chemtrails
researchers and debunkers, the show's field producer has told
willthomas.net that this first-ever television special on
chemtrails will be "spectacular"

Premiere: Feb 22nd @ 9 pm est - 2007

About four years ago when the Chemtrails were the strongest
and being sprayed at the lowest altitudes (about 5,000 feet)
here in Miami, I videotaped many of them.  And was active on
line talking about  them.

Back then the local Fox affiliate TV station contacted me and
told me they were doing a news presentation on Chemtrails and
asked for some of my Chemtrail videos, Which I supplied to them.

That is when things started getting strange.

I arrived at my appointment at the station to meet with the
producer doing the news segment and the security guard at
the parking lot entrance had no record of my appointment and
would not let me in, I had to tell him to call inside to the
producer to get in.

After getting in I got a short tour of the studio (I used to be
a TV station eng.) and the producer and I stopped to talk to a
local TV news woman I had seen on TV many times over the years.

The only problem was that she is a white Hispanic when on the
air and was a very dark brown almost African American looking
brown color in person ?? !!

They made a copy of my video and I left.

This chemtrail expose was run on the local Fox affiliate and
I made a video of it, It was supposed to run on All of the
Fox affiliates also, But it never did ??

One week after the video ran on the local Fox affiliate the
army did a drill where soldiers in black helicopters in black
jumpsuits carrying machine guns came down ropes to the roofs of
buildings and simulated a takeover of the area that included
that TV station ? (How is that for a hint the govt. isn't
happy with you ? !)

I then mailed my only copy of that TV Chemtrail presentation to
Will Thomas Chemtrail researcher in Canada and he immediately
found it missing after it arrived on his end.

It was my only copy so we both were upset, One year later he
found a copy he had made of my video and made me a copy and
sent it to me.

Within a couple months of receiving that copy, It disappeared
from my house ?

I am a person who has a place for everything and everything
in it's place, So if I can Not find it, It is Gone ? !!!
Not by my hand ?? !!

    T Lee Buyea - Fla News Service

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