Nice chart of "freezes" on Wiki, and it shows a ~200 year cycle. I get the shivers just thinking about the cosmic repercussions....

Then there is the 2,000-2,300 year Hallsatt cycle.

These are subsets of the Schwabe cycle, the eleven-year cycle of sunspot activity. That cycle is also associated with the reversal of the solar magnetic polarity, through the Hale 22 year cycle -which is associated with longer reversals in earth's polarity. However, according to the Principia and the Wholly Chao, this really is closer to a 23 year cycle [insert smiley here]

The Schwabe solar cycle is not strictly 11 years long; it has been as short as 9 years and as long as 14 years in recent years. Nevertheless, statistical predictions of weather, based on these patterns can be made, subject to the additional factor of human activity.

The data suggests a gradual cooling during the next few centuries with intermittent minor warmups and a return to another "Little Ice Age" as early as 2100 although the best guess is two further cycles from that. There is weak evidence for a quasi-periodic variation in the sunspot cycle amplitudes with a period of about 90 years, suggesting a maximum sunspot occurs in three years 2010. I would guess two years later!

If we get through that crisis - not forgetting the importance of the year 2012 in the Maya Calendar, which by the way is NOT for a natural catastrophe, necessarily - it just marks the start of another long B'ak'tun cycle BUT surprisingly it jives with statistical analysis which suggests that we may well get a pole reversal on earth then - with unknown consequences - except that North and South Carolina (or North and South Dakota etc.) will need to switch names - and Santa will have much further to travel, so look for less presents under the tree <g>...

Now- how did the Maya get that kind of info? ... and don't say from the illuminati, or Lord-High-Everything-Else, or Skull-and-Bones etc... heck it has to be from aliens who know that our sun has a companion.


Yes, it is true that the year 2012 is claimed to be a great time of spiritual transformation or apocalypse -- depending on how many books the new-age author hopes to sell. The completion of the thirteenth B'ak'tun cycle in the Long Count of the Maya calendar occurs on December 21, 2012, and by the widely held reckoning on the lecture circuit -- this means to some (mostly wonkettes and reactionaries) that there will be a major political change in the old world order, and the emergence of the NWO.

...coinciding, of course, with the start of Barak's second term in office, and his rise in anti-status, so to speak - according to the far-right alarmists, many of whom get their info straight from "the source" as does the current grand poobah.

Methinks that, politics aside, it will only be a pole reversal - but that could mean pretty major changes ... yet a bonanza for Map-Makers everywhere.

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