-----Original Message-----
From: Michel Jullian

Say we have an insulated hot water reservoir, pre-heated by a joule heater
(used only to start the process), as the hot source, and ambient air as the
cold source. An average efficiency Sterling engine (efficiency=40%
conservatively, say 1000W heat in, 400W mechanical out) runs on those hot
and cold sources (2LoT not broken),

For whatever, I still do not get Vo mail authored by Michel Julian and a few other refular posters, so I hope that I am referring to the correct postter here.

[side note: no MIB - this all goes back to adding the "Vo" to the subject line]

OK Michel - if we are going to invent straw men to immolate, let's at least dress them in reality-clothes.

This Stirling of yours must be alien technology ??) ... the one you mention as 40% efficient :

LOL... whoa! is that some kind of silver-plated joke?

Your "heated water reservoir" is at a kelvin temperature of little more than 400, giving a Carnot "spread" of only 100 degrees. OK... 102 degrees if the electrolyte is cooled by 2 degrees K due to electrolysis.

Given the normal losses inherent in a Stitrling, this works out to "efficiency= 15 % conservatively, say 1000W heat in, 150 W mechanical out"

In other words, the starting premise is so incorrect in reality, as to slant the whole argument - but curiously I will say this - if anyone can provide me with a Stirling engine which does, in fact, have a Carnot efficiency = 40% conservatively, say 1000W heat in, 150 W mechanical out" when operating on 400 degree K heat, then:

... Yes! I will absolutely guarantee you a self-powered system can be based on such as system !!


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