>> If the Vort messaging system stripped the subject line from
>> your original post how could your subsequent post suddenly
>> have the subject line placed  back in - if you are replying
>> using a subsequent post where the subject line no longer
>> exists. Or is that not what you're saying.
> No, what I mean is that I made two posts P1 and P2 replying to
> one same post P0, so the subject lines of P1 and P2 were strictly
> identical, automatically derived from P0's subject line by my
> email software. P1 had its subject line stripped, whereas P2 had
> its subject line intact. Conclusion: the problem doesn't lie in
> the original subject line itself. The bodies (contents, excluding
> the subject line) were different, so maybe the problem lies in
> the body, or in the length of the body (P2 was shorter). It's the
> first time I experienced the problem, this may be because I
> usually write shorter posts.
> Michel

Or, it was just another random happenstance and the evil SUBJECT LINER
TERMINATOR simply decided to ravage post P1 and not P2.

There is a simple test you can perform to verify your suspicion. RePost your
two previous messages, P1 and P2 again, exactly, word-for-word and see if
the same problem reoccurs. I think  that will tell us if your suspicions are
indeed accurate.

As many are fond of saying: Proof is in the repeatability of the experiment!

Just a suggestion.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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