It's a chicken and egg problem, money can only come with demonstrable success, 
and success once every 6 months is hard to demonstrate obviously.

What was the magnitude of your last heat production BTW, in terms of COP?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Edmund Storms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]: Cold Fusion skeptic Dr. Michael Shermer

> My last successful heat production was about 6 months ago. At the 
> present time, the effect is initiated by chance when the required 
> conditions happen to be in place. We do not yet know how to create the 
> conditions on purpose. However, I can tell you a lot of conditions that 
> don't work, conditions worth avoiding. Also, some conditions are more 
> likely to work than others, but not every time. This problem is not 
> caused by error or by cold fusion not being real. It is caused solely by 
> ignorance. People who have the financial support to run many studies are 
> having increased success, but still not every time. Like all complex 
> phenomenon, parameter space is huge and success only happens after a 
> considerable investment of time and money. This investment has not been 
> applied, thanks to the skeptics.
> Ed
> Michel Jullian wrote:
>> Paul probably meant "in your experience", could you e.g. relate when you 
>> last witnessed the effect personally Ed?
>> Michel
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Edmund Storms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 6:57 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Vo]: Cold Fusion skeptic Dr. Michael Shermer
>>>In  answer to your question, cold fusion is real. In fact it is more 
>>>real than is the uninformed opinion of Michael Shermer. By this I mean, 
>>>cold fusion is a phenomenon of nature that has been witnessed now by 
>>>hundreds of people. Obviously, Michael Shermer has not taken the 
>>>responsibility to learn about the field even thought he prides himself 
>>>on being an honest skeptic. As a result, it is hard to believe anything 
>>>he says about any subject.
>>>A book entitled "The Science of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction" will be 
>>>published soon by World Scientific Publishers that will summarize the 
>>>evidence for the reality of cold fusion and give a plausible model for 
>>>its initiation.
>>>Ed Storms
>>>Paul Lowrance wrote:
>>>>Did anyone listen to Coast to Coast AM (replay) last night where the 
>>>>skeptic Michael Shermer, director of "The Skeptics Society," kept using 
>>>>Cold Fusion as a prime example of a debacle hoax.
>>>>For those working in cold fusion, is cold fusion real?
>>>>Paul Lowrance

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