On Sunday 04 March 2007 00:33, thomas malloy wrote:
> Standing Bear wrote:
> >Hmmm...let the buyer beware.  Say Alex manages to sell the >big casino,
> > the one for over half a billion..thats billion >with a 'b' sports fans..,
> > I would think that any buyer with >over half a billion simoleans to blow
> > would be more than >rich enough to have the connections to enact serious
> > and >ininvestigated 'retribution' on any who crossed him or her.
> Bear, I have no idea what your talking about. First of all, nobody with $1
> billion would give it to Alexander. However, IMHO, if The Russian Science
> Fiction Author were ever to get his hands on $1 billion, he could buy
> plenty of protection from the Russian Mafia, the one headed by Putin.
> Russia has three generals who have never been defeated, distance, mud and
> cold.
Please read the guy's post, and the referred to web sites on related posts.  
I don't have time now to look back, but I  am sure I have them yet.  Have very 
many old posts.  Like this site and all the posters on it.  Keeps life 
interesting.  I did find a web site claiming to have these devices for sale.  
As for ole uncle Lubyanka Vladimir being a 'wise guy', I will leave that for 
those who claim special inside knowledge.  I do know that 'Comrade Putin' 
saved thousands of apartment dwellers in Vladivostok a miserable death some 
years back when some local crooks were denying them heat and selling the fuel 
to heat their apartment blocks on the black market.  As for Russia never 
being invaded, look up the Ghengis Khan family tree and the reign of the 
Golden Horde in present day Ukraina and regions east.  Tamerlane did a fair 
job of  carving up parts of Eastern Russia and Kazakhstan as well.  Long 
before Borat got there.  

Standing Bear

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